Sunday, December 12, 2021

This Last

 Now  I am old and grey and breathless -

when I sing, I just can’t hit the high notes anymore;

Been a long time since I was the life and soul of the party

But wait! I still have some ways to go.


I learn to delight in solitude and silence;

In stillness,  I seek the source of ‘I’.

Letting everything go in devotion and surrender,

With one-pointed mind, I  die before I die.

The inner space leads to states beyond description.

Deep diving mind disappears in the heart of me .

Breaking all moorings, this ship is adrift on the void.

Grace-winds  blow it across a thought-free sea.

The Guru’s glance is sure and certain deliverance

-the coming of dawn will end the longest night. 

Perfect bliss heralds the end of all suffering;

darkness cannot exist in the presence of light!

Death disappears and fear dissolves like mist-

at last this last shows me how to truly be:

Awake, alert and joyous, just here, just now;

Wherever I look, the sacred is all I see.

Om Bhagavan! Jai Bhagavan ! Jai Bhagavan!

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