Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dive Deep

This human life is the most precious of all gifts – use it to find the infinite perfection that underlies everything. 
Every human being is born divine : look at a baby, a child and you know this is true!
Then the ego-mind complex develops...and things change.
Less divinity, more individuality/humanity.
It's nice to have a healthy, well-functioning ego-mind complex , just as it's nice to have a well-maintained and tuned car, where everything works smoothly.
The problem begins when the car begins to want to drive itself- and you!
The mind goes crazy, always chasing the mirages of past and future, spinning heavens and hells from its never-ending, uncontrollable stream of thoughts and emotions, cutting you off from your own divine flame like a heavy curtain blocking the light.
Thus begins the insanity of the race.
 Past and future rob you of your eternal present.
Death may come silently and suddenly, like a thief in the night.
But he can only come when the time is right.
So wake up! Here and now, while the going is good.
Stop the ticker-tape inside your head. Sink deep into yourself, into the silence and the mystery of your own perfection.
Because your own perfection is the universal perfection, the One, the source and the substance and the goal of everything.
Go to the nest where the ego is hidden in deep sleep...the secret cave of the Heart. Lead your attention there, sink like a stone in those silent bottomless depths.
Stay aware, stay that silence, that stillness, the place of waking sleep.
When you sink deep enough, like the diver finding the pearl, you find the treasure that was always in you. And what a priceless gift that is!

In the words of the Maharishi, Bhagavan Sri Ramanna,
“When we turn the mind inwards, God manifests as the inner consciousness. Realisation is everyone’s birthright. Find the source of the “ I” thought that is the cause of all thought. Thoughts are like bubbles on the surface of the sea. How can they disturb the vast ocean in its depths?
In these depths, there is stillness, no mental or emotional activity.
Stillness means being free from thoughts and yet aware- the state of waking sleep.
Here you taste infinite bliss. Do not yield to the great bliss, but pass through to the great peace; this is higher than the ecstasy.
Experiential truth is the only truth; intellectual understanding is but a pointer on the way. Simply be!
Once you taste this current of Self awareness, you will practice it and make it permanent.
Like a river becomes one with the ocean, the Jivanmukta becomes one with the unchanging supreme consciousness.”

And the secret of secrets: once you dissolve in  the Self, the everyday reality around you reveals its pure and perfect magic.
 Heaven is right here, on Earth, right now!
Praise be! Om shanti, shanti, shanti he.

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