Monday, March 2, 2015

Three Score Years on Planet Earth

On Saturday, the seventh of March, it will be my 60th birthday.
Six decades have elapsed since I was born into this life.
How do I feel?
I feel whole and well.
I feel joyous and fulfilled.
I feel deeply grateful for all the  blessings that I have received.
Above all, I feel a blissful and lasting peace.

Thanks to a story,a tree, a river, a mountain , a sage, a mystery - I have found all that I seek. Right here, right now. How I laugh  in joy!

I have been   nurtured and protected all my life. The universe has been a loving and benevolent mother, She of the thousand names,gently erasing my ignorance, my delusions, my pain and showing me the way home.

"From Brahma to a blade of grass, all things are my Gurus. "
Innumerable living spirits in mineral or plant or insect or animal or human form have helped and blessed me;  these many-splendoured teachers have  shared their enlightening wisdom with me. How fortunate am I!

All the great rishis and sages of the universe have showered their benevolent gifts upon me, like monsoon rain upon the thirsty earth.

 Kusum , Mihir and  Tarini, three  beautiful, divine  and compassionate souls,  have blessed me with their presence in my life,with their laughter, their companionship, their wisdom and their love. 

 They shine like stars in my heart always...filling it with ambrosial joy and indescribable tenderness -  I am indeed richer than all the emperors!
Love fills me,  an infinite ocean, unconditional and total.
 Tears flow freely from my eyes and from my  soul.......tears of unspeakable joy.
Many compassionate and generous beings - strangers, friends, familiars, family...have blessed my life:  I thank them all with all my heart.

On this my 60th birthday, I bow at the feet of my  lord Ramana-Arunachala who shines as  the Self in the words can describe his grace, as I dissolve so gladly in that  sat-chit-ananda !

All is magic, all is well.

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