Monday, March 23, 2015

Guru Tree

Who am I ?
Where did I come from? Where am I going?
Where do I begin and where do I end? How can I discover my boundaries?
Am I this body-mind complex? Am I a collection of memories, projections, fears and desires?
Is there somewhere , for me, a place of peace?
A place where all the questions cease and there is true rest  and harmony?
Without words, the universe and all my gurus told me to dive deep into myself and find the place of waking sleep.

I leaned my face into the bark of an ancient tree and silently asked for help, for support, for sustenance and blessing.
"Root yourself deep, deep , deep in the earth.
Lift your head  high up in the heavens.
Breathe the breath of freedom.
Feel the sun's loving touch warm upon you.
Feel your connection to everything.
Find your innermost core, your source, your sap, your truth.
Be dignified, be strong, be silent.
Just be."
So spoke the ancient tree direct to the depths of my soul.
I felt his strength, his infinite wisdom and energy flow into me like a blessed storm.
I bowed at his feet in gratitude and surrender.
And knew that we were One.
With his blessings I sank down into the Heart.
At last, I was free.

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