Thursday, April 20, 2017

Serene Extinction

Question: Why is maintaining awareness of the mind the fundamental basis of nirvana?
Answer: The essence of what is called nirvana is serene extinction. It is unconditioned and pleasant. When one’s mind is True, false thoughts cease. When false thoughts cease , the result is correct mindfulness. Having correct mindfulness leads to the generation of the wisdom of serene illumination, which in turn means that one achieves total comprehension of the Dharma Nature. By comprehending the Dharma Nature, one attains nirvana. Therefore, maintaining awareness of the mind is the fundamental basis of nirvana. ( Zen Master Hung Jen, early 8th century.)
There is nothing to do, nothing to seek, nothing to strive for, nothing to achieve.
All effort is only to clean the mirror. The mirror is the perfection of the Self that is always you.
The dust on the mirror is thoughts and the ego-mind.
All sadhana is an attempt to clean the dust.
When you practice self-inquiry, you search for the source of the I thought.
To do this, you withdraw your attention from outer things and turn it within.
This “you” who is doing all this is the ego-mind that is the cause of all the delusion.
As the ego-mind approaches the Source, thoughts fade away, silence and stillness shine forth.
This is when you die.
The phoney ego-mind disappears, the immaculate Self shines in its perfect glory.
This is that serene extinction called nirvana.
No more ego-mind. No more you.
Only ecstatic , blissful peace!
Through whatever road one may approach the town of
liberation, in order to enter that town one must pay the
tollgate fee. That toll-gate fee is the destruction of one’s ego or mind.” Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi

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