Saturday, April 15, 2017


“Do not wander outside, eating the scorching sand of worldly pleasures, which are non-Self; come home to the Heart where Peace is shining as a vast, everlasting, cool shade, and enjoy the feast of the Bliss of Self.

Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi, Guru Vachaka Kovai

Spring awakens
And Nature renews herself with such glorious raiment:
The perfect green of new leaves and the budding of flowers
In celebration of resurrection and rebirth.
Can you awaken too, in all your true perfection?
Can you be reborn, be made anew?
Turn away from the burning desert of this world.
Seek the cool shade within.
If you return to your source,
To stillness and silence,
“You “ will disappear
And reveal the glory of who you truly are!

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