Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Song of Silence

Silence is ever-unceasing eloquence; it is the most perfect language. It is a perennial flow of the language of Grace. Words obstruct the language of Silence [maunabhasha].
Oral lectures can never be so eloquent as Silence”, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi, Maharishi’s Gospel.

The divine flow of poetry can spring only from a heart which has become still, being completely freed by Self-attention.” Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi, Guru Vachaka Kovai

Your Silence fills the Heart, O Arunachala,
I dissolve in that ocean,
Who remains?
Like smoke rising from the fire of your radiance,
all these words arise
And float like clouds in the sky of silence.
Whose words are these? Who writes them?
Out of the heart-melting compassion of your Grace
These flowers bloom to comfort and to guide, to bless and to protect,
To help the blind see and the deaf hear,
To gently show us the way home
To your endless, blissful peace.
O Lord of Silence, your thunder rolls across space
Eating up all the worlds!
All that is left
Is the perfect symphony
Of the One.

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