Wednesday, June 20, 2018

This Peace

Fix the mind in the Heart. If you keep your attention on the source from which all thoughts arise, the mind will subside there at the source and Reality will shine forth.”

Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi’s instructions to Mastan Swami

When I let go of all that I thought was me
And turn my attention inwards, in loving devotion and surrender,
Diving deep into myself to find where all the thoughts arise,
I find the source of the “I” thought that is the root of Being
And dissolve in ineffable truth-consciousness-bliss.

This is my true home, the beginning and the end, the source and the goal of everything.

Beyond time and space and intellect, this is the perfect flame of the Divine,
The sacred fire of jnana, the eternal, unchanging Self.

Drunk on this ambrosia…now nothing else remains:
Like a babe clings to its mother, 
I hold fast to this subtle, ecstatic peace!

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