Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Greatest Gift

 “Bhagavan was pouring his grace on me. I was suddenly gripped by an overwhelming urge to surrender unreservedly to him to guide me in my spiritual hunger, abandoning all the methods I had previously followed and all the beliefs I had built my hopes on. That very moment, I passed on my fate and all that I was to the sacred hands of my master, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi.” S. S. Cohen, devotee.

Lord of the Heart, beloved Master,
 there are no words to describe your perfection, your compassion, your being!

With infinite kindness, you tolerated this fool, accepting all my faults and blemishes,ignoring my sins, pouring your divine grace upon me
 like a waterfall that washes all stains away!

All the blessings of the universe flow to me in the warmth of your gaze.

Tears of bliss fall from these eyes like rain at the very thought of your presence:
Sweet my lord, how can I ever thank you enough?

With loving kindness greater than any mother, you protect and cherish me every day.
With gentle understanding greater than any father, you guide me to the truth.
Your infinite grace takes care of everything in my inner and outer life.
Like a fledgling sheltering beneath his mother’s wing , I surrender at your holy feet.
You give me everything, O lord, with no holding back;

And the greatest gift of all: 
you shine in my Heart eternally with the splendour of a thousand suns!

Jai Bhagawan! Jai Bhagawan! Jai Bhagawan!

Like drop falls into ocean, I fall so gladly into thee.

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