Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Human Mind

“ The mind has a role in the development of human beings, but this role is limited and can only lead to a certain level. Beyond the mind, a new journey begins.” Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharishi

The human mind is considered our greatest evolutionary achievement, contributing to all the scientific and cultural triumphs of our species. In truth, the mind is a good servant but a bad master.
As a race, our collective mind has led to greed and hubris beyond control, to our considering ourselves as the “lords and conquerors “ of nature. Our social, political, economic and cultural systems have proven to be increasingly dysfunctional and destructive.
No other species on earth has caused so much harm to itself, to this planet and to all other living beings.

Out of control, this runaway mind has wreaked increasing havoc, as the history of the last two hundred years proves beyond all shadow of doubt: our race has gone mad! Worse still, like most lunatics, we are not even aware of our insanity, but continue to consider our way of life as “ normal” and “civilised”.
Like lemmings, we hurtle towards our own destruction. Can we change, before it's too late?

As individuals, we have all experienced how the mind can run amok, to fill us with anger, desire, paranoia, worry, terror, despair, or just sheer noise!
Are we in control of our own minds? Or are we just programmed zombies in a matrix of illusion that we consider “reality”?
As Eckhardt Tolle asks, “ Have you found the “Off” button? “
Can you be still, thoughtless ? Have you found the true Self that is the source of the mind?

Every human is born with the spark of divinity at the core of his/her very being.
Focus on this inner center leads to a state of grace that transforms the individual. If this could happen to enough individuals, it could cause a quantum leap in the evolution of human conciousness that could save the race and the planet. Hopefully, this shift is already beginning.

All the prophets and sages have said the same thing : the kingdom of heaven is within you.
It’s time to pay heed.

“ When the flow of mind reaches the lotus feet of the Lord of soul and remains there always, like river in ocean, that is called devotion. Devotion, like a swollen cloud in the sky of the great Lord, emits a shower of bliss: he whose mind is an accepting lake that is filled by this reaps the true and complete harvest of life; he and he alone.” Sivanandalahari, Adi Sankaracharya.

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