Friday, October 26, 2018

Speaking In Tongues

At the end of all knowing, is there only an unsolvable riddle, a paradox, an answerless koan?

All the volumes of Holy Scriptures, what do they really say?

Who can describe that cold fire ever-burning in the centre, its mystical radiance, its soul-melting flame?

How can I speak of this immaculate ecstasy, this aching, infinite joy that dissolves everything ?

There is no one left to tell the tale, all that I was has disappeared into the echoes of your Name.

So let the thunder of your silence break through the cobwebs of mind and reveal the unsayable:

Like the sun burning off the early morning mists, sweep this illusion away.

Stop this game of hide-and-seek, stand still and show your Self!

Let the long night of ignorance end forever

in the shining splendour of your eternal day.

P.S. : Listen! I know who you really are, your secret’s safe with me: I turned myself inside out like a sock and fell into your net.

Like a hungry spider you devoured me in one swoop.

And lo! I am become you and you are me!

There is nothing I would rather be.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Choice

“The silent life in which the mind is dead, alone is the life fit for a man to live; the life of a man whose mind is wandering is no better than the life of birds and beasts.” 
Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi, Guru Vachaka Kovai

“In the end, only three things matter: How much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”
The Buddha

What a wonder is this human being!
A living bridge between earth and heaven, beast and God, matter and spirit, embodying the entire tapestry of evolution. 
Woven of the opposites, masculine and feminine, good and evil, demon and god, its inner state can range from discordant chaos to sublime harmony. 

As long as the mind is turned outwards, one moves away from the divine and loses oneself in the mesmerising thickets of desire and fear.
This outward mind creates worlds without cease, dreams and nightmares, heavens and hells, pain and pleasure in endless cycles.
Sooner or later, growing tired of this fickle, impermanent and torturous world, every human craves for true and lasting happiness and peace.

Fortunately, the Divine, in its infinite wisdom, dwells always as the innermost heart of every being.

This compassionate grace within grants a taste of its restful, healing peace every night in the form of deep, dreamless sleep that rejuvenates and refreshes the tired soul.
Why is this sleep so restful? 
Because all activity of body and mind ceases: only pure being, one’s true nature, remains unchanged. This pure being is just unalloyed consciousness, peace and bliss.

Every human being, by birth-right, has the choice and the opportunity to discover its true divine nature.

This is why a human birth is so precious!

All one has to do is choose to turn the mind inwards – to seek out its source, the nest into which it disappears each night in sleep and from which it emerges again every morning on waking.
As one’s attention is focussed deeper and deeper within to find this source, mental activity decreases, falls silent, still.
With practice, this inner seeking grows easier and easier….and suddenly one day, when the fruit is ripe, the miracle of Grace happens: divine energy stirs, throbs and takes charge.

All effort ceases.

The mind, which was ever but a passing bundle of thoughts, is sucked inexorably into the spiritual heart that is the core of being.
Like a river merging permanently with the ocean, the mind dissolves forever in the infinite, eternal, divine Self.
What then remains is the Buddha, the awakened one……the noblest and most compassionate form of human existence.

Are you tired of the drama? Would you like to know true and lasting peace and joy?
Do you want the human race to evolve into its highest and noblest form?
Would you live out the rest of your life as a brute or as God?

You choose.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Living and Dying

“To live fully is to be always in no-man’s-land, to experience each moment as completely new and fresh. So to live is  to be willing to die over and over again.” Pema Chodron

“You are not a sinner. You are not an evil person. Your past is dead, forget it.
 You're born again, now, and all is glory and joy. This is what it means to be born again, to realize that you exist now, in this moment.
 Not a moment ago, and never mind what's going to happen a moment from now, but you exist in this moment as pure intelligence, unqualified love, absolute reality, unconditioned oneness, that's you.
 You live in that reality. And again, that sets you free.”
Robert Adams

Do you want to know about living and dying?

First seek out the one who wants to know.

Be still, be silent.

Deep in the cave of Being,

When the ray of Grace sets the lamp of wisdom afire,

The hidden bud blossoms, the secret channel opens, the immortal nectar flows;

Truth is revealed with all the glory of a risen sun!

There is no witness left to describe the wonder of it all:

Only ecstatic bliss and a deep, unshakable peace!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Turiyatita: beyond the beyond

“The Seer who knows his nature as pure and true awareness, vast as the sky and bright as the sun, has no fear.” Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi

Like a swimmer caught in a powerful current, straining every muscle, yet not moving an inch, one struggles in vain to overcome the illusion.
Fatigue brings surrender and the sweet relief of letting it all go.
Stop fighting- let the current carry you away.

As long as there is effort, it’s not over: when there is no doer, it becomes effortless.
Complete surrender is the miracle: Grace takes over, like a mother rocking her babe to sleep.
In Her arms, at last there is rest.

All the drama ceases.
Now begins the perfection of turiya, the state of waking sleep.
Here and now, no thought, no fear;
Only blazing wisdom like a thousand suns.

Even this disappears – in the void of turiyatita, nothing remains.
This nothing is everything: drink deep of it!
No words can describe the taste of that infinite peace.