Friday, August 30, 2019

Time to Dance

“Enlightenment is here and now: just rend the veil and you will be it.
Do not wait for death - after death, no change happens;
You merely end up with an apartment in the City of Death
With the ghosts of your memories and the baggage of your unfulfilled desires.
You incarnated for one reason only: to know and express the One.

So clean your mirror - and BE It!” Lightsongs, the book.

Imagine that you are dying: your last hour is upon you and life is slipping away.

A voice speaks to you and says:“ I gifted you a trust fund of 10 billion US dollars on the day you were born…so you must have had a great life, wanting for nothing.”
With your last, dying breath, you groan – “Oh S**T ! Now you tell me!”

It’s a cosmic joke. It’s also the absolute truth.
You were born with treasures beyond all imagining - how come you didn’t notice?
How long did it take you to find out?

“Be aware of the privilege of life -open your eyes and raise your head up from your world. Then you will see -above and below, to the left and to the right, before and behind – the grace of God flowing everywhere in bounteous abundance!” Hazrat Inayat Khan.

The greatest spiritual teacher is life itself.
From despair to bliss, from joy to sorrow, from pleasure to pain, life flows like a river, carrying you through so many different states of being.
This is the journey your soul takes to grow into its own ripeness.
You are not the changing states: you are the river.

Consciousness manifests to become aware of itself: you are that consciousness, you are the Self. You just forgot who you really are.
The cacophony of the mind confused you, distracted you, veiled your Light.
All you had to do was flip your perception.

Turn your attention inwards. Just be still, be silent.
Let yourself sink into truth.
Deep inside you, at the very ground of being, Spirit shines in divine perfection.
This is your source, your infinite, immortal and eternal true nature.
Staying rooted in this keeps you connected to the universal harmony. 
Now you will see and feel this perfection in all beings and everywhere.
This is the joy of the Self in which you can dance forever!

It’s time to dance. Right here, right now!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Right Perception

“In the stillness of the mind , I saw myself as I am : unbound, infinite!” Nisargedatta Maharaj 

“ Nothing in all creation is so like God as stillness.” Meister Eckhart

As long as you are stuck in the ego-trance, you do not see reality.
Conceptual thought is the veil that conceals the truth, the lens that distorts perception.
The shift of perception from conditioned mind to direct, unconditioned consciousness leads to total transformation.

Don’t see with your mind, see with your gut, the core of your being, directly.

Stop pursuing enlightenment.
Stop grasping at straws.
Stop trying to figure everything out. 

Drop all your attempts to intellectually understand awareness.
Drop your efforts, your actions, your struggles.
Drop the mind.

Just listen to the quiet spaces inside yourself. 

When the doer disappears, you can rest in awareness, in plain,simple existence.

Stillness and silence are the ground of being.

Your perfect, unborn nature shines within yourself.
Let it be.

“Be a Light unto yourself. Don’t be bothered about what others say, don’t be bothered about traditions, orthodoxies, religions, moralities. Just be a light unto yourself. ” The last words of the Buddha

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Rest in the Self

Photo by Meena S.
“To the seer, all things have verily become the Self: what delusion, what sorrow, can there be for him who beholds that oneness?” – Isa Upanishad

That which exists in self-luminous splendour at the heart of every being,

That One who is the source of peace in deep sleep,

That mighty rider who tamed the wild stallion, mind,
That Lord of the Heart who is the ocean of compassionate Grace,

That fierce God who dances at the cremation ground where the ego burns-
Shiva, Brahman, Atman, Self - beyond all names and forms,

O fortunate devotees, prostrate at His shining feet always!

Here, all sorrow vanishes, all misery ends - the illusion of time and space dissolves.

Here there is only the solace of peace, the pure delight of just being.

Surrender with great love and devotion at the altar of the Self inside;
when you dissolve in that ocean, this whole universe becomes your playground!

Once the Self chooses you, a divine power takes over completely.

Give thanks, sing praises and dance in infinite bliss;

There is nothing more for you to do.

“ The illuminated one rests happily in the peace of the Self without thought of past and future. Simply witnessing the present every moment, such a one alone has cut the knot of bondage.” Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Eternal Sunrise

"The seen is the darkness of ignorance; the seer is the light of wisdom.”
Adi Shankaracharya

The Upanishads cry out , “ Awaken from this sleep of ignorance! You are Brahman!”

For this body, life is short, death is certain – so use your time wisely!
Remember: the experience of the Self is deeply subtle – it is only available to a pure and silent mind.

To escape from the darkness of ignorance, turn your attention away from the seen and focus inwards on the seer.

Who is the life-force, the absolute essence of you?
Who experiences your waking state, your dream, your deep sleep?
Who dwells within you in the innermost cave of being?

When the mind, remaining conscious and aware, sinks deep in silence,
the heart-lotus blossoms in the fullness of infinite bliss.

Truth shines as the Self in that thought-free state of waking sleep.

For the one who abides firmly in the Self, there is only Light; how can darkness ever enter? 

Once the sun of jnana rises, it will never set again.

“One could cause God through alchemy.
But even if that God tells you something don’t believe it.
If I come in front of you, don’t believe it.
The Seer is most important. You are. That is most important.
Concentrate on the Seer, not on the seen.
All that you see is false and the Seer alone is true.
All knowledge you gather is useless, until you hold on to your Self.
You are the Truth, not what is being told to you, not what you see.”
Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi

Saturday, August 3, 2019

The End of All Suffering

“Liberated from the grip of egoism, like the moon after the eclipse, full, ever blissful, self-luminous, one attains one’s essence.” – Adhyatma Upanishad

Lord Buddha described enlightenment as “ the end of all suffering.”

One’s true nature is thought-free, perfect bliss, shining within you, here and now.

The mind, directed outwards, is the root of all suffering.

Arising as an ego, identifying with a body and a personality, creating the illusion of time- this is the beginning of the pain and misery of samsara. 
To remove the root of suffering, this ego-mind complex must be destroyed absolutely.
Through devotion and detachment, one breaks through the false identification with the ego; diving deep within, the mind dissolves in the sacred core of Being.

Through the blessing of Grace, the individual merges forever with the universal.
The Self is pure, unattached, unchanging, infinite effulgence -always blissful, always still and at peace.
It is the heart-centre, the eternal substratum, the thoughtless, motiveless, actionless perfection that contains all that exists.
It is the universal Brahman that shines as the core of every living being.

The jnani lives always anchored in this reality: unshakable in his incessant Self-awareness, rock-like in his peace.
Like a mighty ocean, all the power of the universe is contained in his depths.
Totally selfless, effortlessly natural, his actions are impeccable, elegant and perfect.
Even as he lives and moves as a man, he remains ever poised in a timeless, spaceless whole: the One, the imperishable Brahman.
Only such a one is a Buddha.

The end of the individual is the end of all suffering.

“ He who dies, before the body dies, lives forever.” Lao Tsu,Tao Te Ching

“Be a dead man, truly dead: then all will be well.” Zen Master Basho.