Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Nothing But Perfection


O compassionate Master, no words can describe your boundless grace.

Death dances like a madman all around but cannot touch me anymore.

You took my hand and led me into the dimension of infinite joy.

Just as darkness cannot survive the sunrise, here it is impossible for suffering to exist.

This heaven beyond all sorrow, O Lord, is your gracious gift, your merciful blessing, your vast, inexpressible peace!

I dissolve in a river of blissful tears as my story disappears in your Light.

O Gurudev! I burn like a wick in your flame!

For the rest of my days, my heart can do nothing but give thanks, again and again;

With every fibre of my existence, I constantly sing your praise.

Om Bhagavan ! Jai Bhagavan! Om Bhagavan! Jai Bhagavan! Om Bhagavan! Jai Bhagavan!

You opened my eyes and now I see: nothing but perfection exists!

The Om Purnamadah Mantra is a universal chant for awakening the consciousness and tuning into the infinite bliss accessible within oneself.

“You are the fullness. There is fullness, here is fullness. From the fullness, the fullness is born. Remove the fullness from the fullness, and the fullness alone remains.Om , peace, peace, peace.” Isho Upanishad

The meaning of this ancient Vedic mantra is that the entire creation constitutes one whole unit of perfection.

Each and every particle, non-living or living, represents the same whole unit. There is no place where this whole is not present. Every atom contains it.

This whole reproduces itself in its own image.

Removing every entity from this unit has no effect on it because that which remains represents the same whole. So, forever and always, nothing but perfection exists.

Human life is precious because, by the Guru’s grace,  human beings can truly know and experience this understanding. Thus, all suffering ends.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

A Prayer

 “ Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation , but delivers us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.” The Lord’s Prayer

In the depths of being I glimpsed a jewel,
the luminous splendour of the colourless light of emptiness.
My heart cried out this prayer:

Oh compassionate Lord  without name or form,
Oh perfect power who pervades all creation,
Thou secret in-dweller living embedded in all beings,
Let your radiance embrace me that I may dissolve in you!

Forgive me for my blindness, for my mistakes, for any hurt I caused to other living creatures, for my unconsciousness, my foolishness, my insanity.
Forgive me for forgetting my true nature and wandering away from You, who shines always in my heart.

Thou mighty Infinity that contains and permeates all creation,
thou shining love and bliss that cannot be measured or described or contained ,
swallow me whole and let me be one with You.

Oh Sun of suns, bless us all with your infinite grace!
O Father who is the Source,
O great and tender Mother who cares for and sustains all,
accept our humble and devoted surrender, open your arms wide, embrace these prodigal drops returning to your ocean of eternal peace.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

“In silent surrender there is bliss and prayer without request or demand. There is no doer, experiencer, lover or beloved. There is only a divine current. You see that the very act of welcoming is itself the solution to the problem and the action which follows your comprehension is very straightforward. When you become familiar with the act of surrender, truth will solicit you unsought.”

― Jean Klein, Who Am I?: The Sacred Quest