Saturday, October 22, 2022

Live Naturally

 “Empty yourself of everything.
Let the mind become still.
The ten thousand things rise and fall while the Self watches their return.
They grow and flourish and then return to the source.
Returning to the source is stillness, which is the way of nature.” Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

Emptiness is the source and the substance of all that exists.
When you are still, you return to this source, as you do every night in deep, dreamless sleep.
This return to emptiness recharges the innermost being with peace and joy.
It is a state of absolute and blissful contentment – nothing is wanted in this perfect abundance.
This daily miracle is the gateway to all mystery.

“What any desire really aims at, is a state of non-desire. This non-desire is a state in which we demand absolutely nothing. Thus it is a state of extreme abundance, of fullness. This fullness is revealed as infinite bliss and peace. You now know that you are really seeking nothing else but fullness and absolute peace.” Jean Klein, Be Who You Are

If you would know heaven on earth, discover the art of waking sleep.

Learn to be still in the midst of movement, silent in the hurly-burly of the marketplace, at rest in the very throes of action. Find the center deep in your being, the Self who is the only  constant through all your states, the unattached, impartial and dispassionate witness of  the drama of your life. 

Seek the source of your very existence. Open your heart to this sacred inquiry. 

“Deep inquiry leads to contemplation, or prayer. Through dedicated contemplation we can attune to consciousness, the light which constitutes all phenomena. This light is our intrinsic nature. Our being is always shining. Our real nature is openness, listening, release, surrender without effort or will. Prayer is welcoming, free from projection and expectation. It is without demand and formulation. It invites the divine to unfold in you and reveals your openness to you. Live with this opening, this vastness. Attune yourself to it. It is love.” Jean Klein, Who Am I?: The Sacred Quest

Break the conditioning and drop the illusion of the persona to return to your true nature.

True prayer is just being, here and now, open, accepting, receptive as an empty cup.

Just as you drop all thought, all identification with name or form, to sink into the rest and rejuvenation of deep sleep, let everything go…except the spark of awareness, the consciousness that is the witness of waking, dream and sleep.

 Learn to find and hold onto this witness, this intrinsic state of pure being.
With practice, you will be able to always abide in this conscious center with effortless ease.
Like a bird flies, a fish swims or a tree grows, live naturally, anchored in the blissful peace of the eternal Self.

Monday, October 10, 2022

There is nothing but Love

 “Love has the power to open the door of eternal life. By contemplation how far can we pierce through life? One, two, or three planes, then we must stop, but the nearest way of all is by love and devotion, for it is God's way, and God is Love. God cannot be deceived -- God will not be deceived. When anyone has taken this way it is by the God in him. And as we give all things they come back to us through love. The more we give, the more comes back. Love has its limitations when it is directed to limited beings, but love that is directed to God has no limitations, God alone deserves all love, and the freedom of love is in giving it to God.” Hazrat Inayat Khan

In the center of your being, a perennial fountain of love springs forth. This is the Real, the Absolute, the divine Grace that is the source and the substance of all things. This is your greatest treasure, your key to immortal bliss. Drink but one sip of this fountain and nothing else will matter any more.

Love exists as itself in harmonious perfection, radiant as the sun, self-effulgent, ever untainted, blissful. Always shining in the heart of every living creature, love is all-pervasive, indestructible, infinite and eternal. Love is God.

You can never know or understand or interpret love. You can only be love. Fortunately, this is who you really are always.

Your true being is covered by layer upon layer of form that you have been conditioned to identify with. You are not mind or thoughts or feeling, not bones or blood or skin. You are the innermost perceiver, the one who sees through your eyes and hears through your ears and breathes through your nose. You are the observer of the play of thoughts and actions and the objects of this world. You are the core of absolute awareness that gives this body life.

Unfortunately, all your attention is diverted outwards, to the objects of your mind and this world. Focus your entire attention on the core of your own being, deep within yourself. This will still the mind and eventually dissolve it, along with all your biological, psychological and emotional conditioning. The non-existent persona disappears as the drop becomes the ocean - Love alone remains.

The truth shines forth in all its glory: nothing but Love exists!

Love alone is the fountain from which all virtues fall as drops of sparkling water. Love is given to inspire divine love in the heart of man, and all the beauty that man sees on earth is beauty created by the power of love, and by the power of love he learns to recognize it as a reflection of the beauty of heaven. Thus may earth become heaven, and heaven and earth one single vision of the glory of God.” Hazrat Inayat Khan