Saturday, July 26, 2014


It cannot be seen or heard or senses can explore it.
It cannot be imagined or dreamed or thought mind can hold it.
No image can show its perfection , no sound display its tune.
No words can describe it , no intellect can conceive it.
It is the light within all light, the life within all life
Forever infinite and single, it is the source and the substance of all the ten thousand things.
If you would know it, be still. be silent. be empty.

Just be.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


A human being is an incredibly complex and marvellous creation.
 Layers within layers, systems within systems, levels within levels – all naturally designed to function effortlessly and perfectly for a lifetime. And, at every level, a marvelous ability to strengthen and protect, to mutate and re-generate, to heal and return to balance.
 Body, mind, spirit ; muscles, nerves, bones; cells, organs, glands ; atoms, molecules,chemical, biological and electrical energy; thoughts,feelings,vibrations - from the subtle to the gross, all interwoven in perfection, all working together in elegant harmony.
Surely an intelligent energy underlies and controls all the mysteries of our complex life-form, acts as the conductor of the orchestra, ensuring such harmony.
Disease is what happens when dis-harmony occurs at any level. Some instrument or player is out of tune, the music sounds off-key, the software gets corrupted. This results in the mechanisms misfunctioning at the molecular or cellular level.
The best way to treat such disease would be at the the subtle information level. This is what homeopathy attempts to do- to function at the information layer.
 To touch this level, we need to return to inner harmony.
For this, stillness and silence can help focus one’s attention and awareness deep within oneself. The breath slows, the thoughts cease, the entire system grows very still.
It is almost like falling into a deep and dreamless sleep – except that a tiny light of awareness stays on, experiencing, witnessing this deep and total rest.
A state of waking sleep. Pure thoughtless consciousness.
In this state, we touch the innermost layer…at this level, the mere intention of healing can fix the root of disease. So we can retune ourselves to return to harmony.
Thus can we heal ourselves. And others.


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Living Light

“He who ascends to the sahasrara chakra through the path called Archis with the help of Amrutha Nadi gains immediate liberation due to the power of sahasrara which is the place of enlightenment. This happens to a loving devotee of well-ripened mind entirely due to Divine Grace.” Ramana Gita, Chapter 14.

Praise to the Jivanmukta, the living Light.
His silence speaks to yearning heart to show the way.
Follow the clues with faith and love.
Dive deep, ever deeper, seeking the source of "I".
Like bee seeking nectar,burrow deep in  the bud of the Heart- lotus.
Surrender, like drop in ocean, lover in beloved, dissolve like salt in that sea.
Ah - bliss beyond words in that final embrace of Self!
Lotus blooms with the kiss of the risen Sun.
The ecstatic union fountains upward in the direct path of Archis,
Straight from Heart to Atma-Nadi
Rising inexorably up into the thousand-petalled seat of Parabrahman,
the place of moksha, the divine sahasrara.
Here the Lord of Lords shines with the glory of a million suns!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Tend the Ox

It is said that, in the old days, Kuei Shan asked Lazy An, " What work do you do during all the twenty four hours of the day?"
Lazy An said, "I tend the ox."
Kuei Shan asked " How do you tend it?"
Lazy An answered, "Whenever it gets into the rice-grass, I pull it back by the nose."
Kuei Shan said, "You are really tending the Ox!"

Tend your ox. Half-measures are pointless.
Turn within..all the time.

The Heart

“In the center of the Heart Cave, Brahman shines alone as “I “ , “ I” , the Self.
Enter the Heart through Self-inquiry, or by sinking and merging in the Heart or by breath control and become rooted as That.”
Ramanna Gita Chapter 2.

Let the mind dissolve in the Self in the Heart.
Stillness of mind, stillness of breath,
sinking into the Heart, merging in the Heart- all happen together.
Being rooted in the Self
Nothing more is needed.
All else is automatically taken care of.
Practice continues until the rooting becomes effortless and permanent, one’s natural state.

 “ Firmly established in the Self, undisturbed by the least ripple of thought, as still as an idol of stone or wood, dissolved completely in Brahman-Self, even as water is in milk, with awareness devoid of all impurities of thought and  drowsiness, standing clear as the pure sky, the grandeur of the Jnani’s nishta ( the Enlightened One’s firm stance in the Self) defies all thoughts and expression.”
Ribhu Gita, Chapter 19, verse 21


I wake. I sleep. I dream. I experience deep, dreamless sleep. I wake again.
I live each day as it comes.
I am not a cog in a machine. I am not a statistic. I am not an ID card.
I am a unique individual with my own feelings, needs, style and purpose.
I dream my own dreams, sing my own song.
I am what I am. I exist, I belong.
In my mind, there is a story, woven of thoughts and feelings, memories and fantasies, wishes,hopes and fears. A story of ancestors and descendants, caste and nationality, family and society.
A story of the past..and of how it will be in the future.
This is not real…just a story.
The main character in this story is an imaginary person- I forget my true being and identify with this unreal character, this ego.
“This is My movie- and I am the STAR…no matter the circumstances of my life, I am the Main Character- it’s all about ME!”
Thus begins my descent into hell, into unconsciousness and projection and duality and fantasy.
The past is dead and gone. The future is still unborn. There is only Now.
This moment. The most precious gift, the only treasure, the pearl beyond all price.
“Why does everyone like the Tao so much? Perhaps it is because we find all that we seek and are forgiven our sins? Perhaps it is because we find the  infinite peace and wonder and joy that underlies all creation?”
To find this treasure, the imaginary ego must be erased…revealing the true Self that is always at the core of my being.
I must return to the simple, the essential , the eternal core.

And just BE HERE NOW.

I am

I am a human being, a child of nature, a citizen of planet earth.
 I am laughter and joy, alert awareness centered in Being.
 I am consciousness becoming aware of itself, the formless taking form, the eye that God has become to look upon Herself and wonder!
 I am Divine spark in human body, intimately connected to stars and galaxies, earth and water and fire and air, birds and beasts, insects and bacteria, plants and trees – an integral part of the magical web of life .
 I am the part – and yet, I am always, also, the whole.
 I am the microcosm that contains the macrocosm.
 Within this body of blood and flesh and bones, of nerves and muscle and sinews, I am a symphony of intelligent Love playing this human role.
 I am matter and energy both, dancing one into the other.
 I am Life expressing itself through emptiness and form, light and darkness, sound and silence.
 I am nothing flowering into everything in self-awareness.
 When I discover who I truly am, I AM THAT I AM!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Hunt the Ego & Be free!

Listen my friend! You forgot your true story!
Like the prodigal son, you sold your inheritance for a bowl of stew...fell headlong into this mirage-world and gave away your treasure of infinite eternal bliss.
Now you desperately pursue the imaginary gold at the end of the rainbow ignoring the real pearl beyond all price that is right here inside you.
Wake up! It's all just a dream.
You never got lost - you were always right here and right now.
You who are the shining star, the son of fell into this den of lotus-eaters,drugged by time and thought and the cunning illusion of individuality.
It's a terrible demon, this ghost...clings to your back like a limpet, dragging you through endless movies of lives and longings....all just hocus-pocus, abracadabra, sleight of mind!
You are blinded by a gossamer mist of illusion spun by this phantom it not strange?
You, the king of kings, will stay a beggar only because you are afraid to let go of this pernicious ghost...mistakenly believing it is you! From where did this false identity arise? Where does it emerge from when you awake from your deep sleep every day?
Trace this impostor to its source...hunt the origin of this I thought.
Turn your attention inwards and see where it springs from
When you find that source , the ego will dissolve in the true Self that you always are.
All it takes is to stop. And to see.
You are already infinity.
Breathe deep into your Heart, lift up your head and be free

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Coming Home to Peace.

After experiencing all the wonderful sensations, floating on bliss, heavenly music, tingling in the chakras, and other such trips, its very easy to get carried away into some dream of enlightenment.
I must stay alert to dispassionately observe my true state of being.
So, in a sober state of mind, I ask myself these questions:

Are you free of all desires?
Are you truly indifferent to praise or blame?
Can you honestly say you have no more attachments?
Are you empty as a cloudless sky and silent as space?
Are you truly more ego-self?

If - when -these questions are Self answered.....dissolved in the ocean of Brahman...then I have truly come home!

Friday, January 10, 2014

A Prayer for the New Year

May I wake up each morning filled with joy and peace and love.
May I look upon each day as a precious gift bestowed upon me.
May I be graced with alert awareness and presence in every moment.
May I dwell in the infinite space beyond the mind....the Heart.
May I be grateful for all the blessings that are continuously showered upon me by a divine universe.
May my eye be single and see only the Divine Light pervading everything.
May I look upon all living beings as Divine, greeting them all with great love and respect.
May I laugh and sing and dance in the bliss of sat-chit-ananda!
May I feel the magic everywhere around me and be awed with the wonder, the perfection , the infinite serenity at the centre of it all!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year to the Timeless!

The vastness of empty space is home to infinite galaxies.
And yet, the smallest atom contains the entire creation!
Silence is the grandmother of speech...and says more than all the words can say.
But you cannot hear it- only BE it.
My friend, is this the great secret?
That every leaf and drop and grain of dust, every cell and every atom, are filled with That
Sat-chit-ananda Brahman?
And that is  who you really are.

Happy New Year!