Monday, September 26, 2022

Lift Up Your Head And Be Free


A devotee at Virupaksha cave wanted to know who Bhagavan really was. He wrote a verse on a piece of paper, “Oh Ramana, who are you? Are you the highest God, Hari, or a rishi, or a celestial being? Who are you?” He then left the note on Bhagavan’s stone couch when Bhagavan had gone out. When Bhagavan returned and saw the note, he wrote behind it, “I am Arunachala Ramanan, dwelling in the Heart of every being, beginning with Lord Hari to the lowest being. If, with devotion, you plunge into the cave of your Heart, your inner eye will be opened and you will see this truth as the fullness of non-dual Awareness.”

This life is a gift, a precious opportunity – do not waste it! 

As long as the ego is intact, you live and die as a body…..again and again and again.

When the ego is destroyed completely, you are forever free from the cycle of birth and death.

Doing inevitably leads to suffering. Non-doing, just being, leads unerringly to bliss. 

Erase the ego-self before this body dies- then, and only then, will you know the perfect peace of immortality.

“Real devotion to Sri Bhagavan is to constantly practice his teachings and find that true stillness in the Heart, even in the midst of all movement. The one who abides in the Self knows nothing of anxiety, stress or suffering.You are that self-effulgent, self-sufficient, self-supporting, blissful Silence. Know this and be free forever.” Ramana Das

Now be still and calm the mind and set your spirit free to fly

Beyond the boundaries of self, beyond the walls of “you”and “ I”;

Here and now, just seize this moment, take Chance by his single hair,

Breathe the breath inside your breath, feel the magic in the air.

Open your eyes wide and see! Lift up your head and be free!

Dive deep within, the mystic sings, for true freedom from the mind:

Break the chains of memory, leave the web of Time behind.

Hear the song that Silence sings, bereft of words or melody,

Know the joy only Love can bring, the ecstasy of harmony.

Open your eyes wide and see! Lift up your head and be free!

“As rivers, flowing down, become indistinguishable on reaching the sea by giving up their names and forms, so also the illumined soul, having become freed from name and form, reaches the self-effulgent supreme Self.” Mundaka Upanishad.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Heaven on Earth


“Heaven is not a country or a continent; it is a state, a condition within oneself, only experienced when the rhythm is in perfect working order. If one knows this, one realizes that happiness is man's own property. Man is his own enemy: he seeks for happiness in the wrong direction and never finds it. It is a continual illusion. Man thinks, 'If I had this or that I should be happy for ever', and he never arrives at happiness because he pursues an illusion instead of the truth. Happiness is only to be found within, and when man tunes himself he finds all for which his soul yearns within himself.” Hazrat Inayat Khan

If you are in tune with the Divine, wherever you look, you will see God’s face.

Every atom, every cell, even the void is permeated by God. Nothing else can exist.

This entire universe is but the breath of God, the Divine sigh, as the formless chooses to express itself in form. 

The true purpose of this human life is to know God.

To know God is to be God. To be God is to be the Self.

God dwells within you as you: this is the secret of secrets.

While you are still alive, turn within and find Him.

Let the mind be still and sink deep into its own source. Let it dissolve in the Heart that is the core of your being, the sacred flame that is eternal love and peace. 

Stay there always in perfect harmony.

Thus will you discover Heaven on earth.

“We are even closer to God than the fishes are to the ocean in which they live. The innermost being of man is the real being of God; man is always linked with God. If he could only realize it, it is by finding harmony in his own soul that he finds communion with God. All meditation and contemplation are taught with this purpose: to harmonize one's innermost being with God, so that He is seeing, hearing, thinking through us, and our being is a ray of His light.” Hazrat Inayat Khan

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Healing and Transformation

 “ God heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalms 147- 3, Holy Bible

Every human being experiences the ups and downs of this earthly existence. 

When facing hard times, life seems to be a cruel game that condemns us to an inevitable sequence of birth, suffering, old age and death.

In desperation, human beings seek help from God; regardless of the ensuing circumstances, they do find comfort there.

Failure and pain, sorrow and despair can lead to humility and surrender. This is the beginning of transformation, of healing and transcendence.

No prayer ever goes unanswered.

Everything happens in the right way and at the right time. 

Whether we understand it or not, compassionate divine grace is with us always.

The greatest blessings are within, in one’s own being: all we need to do is to focus our attention inwards to the spiritual centre , the Heart, where a divine flame burns bright.

When we do this, a wondrous flowering begins: the lotus in the Heart blossoms in fragrant bliss.

Like a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, this metamorphosis transforms man into God, hell into heaven.

Perfect healing of body, mind and spirit happens here.

This Heart is your true home – dwell there forever.

Such a miracle! Such endless delight! Such a deep and loving peace!

“May the longtime sun shine upon you, may all love surround you, may the pure light within you guide your way home!”  The Incredible String Band