Monday, January 27, 2014

Hunt the Ego & Be free!

Listen my friend! You forgot your true story!
Like the prodigal son, you sold your inheritance for a bowl of stew...fell headlong into this mirage-world and gave away your treasure of infinite eternal bliss.
Now you desperately pursue the imaginary gold at the end of the rainbow ignoring the real pearl beyond all price that is right here inside you.
Wake up! It's all just a dream.
You never got lost - you were always right here and right now.
You who are the shining star, the son of fell into this den of lotus-eaters,drugged by time and thought and the cunning illusion of individuality.
It's a terrible demon, this ghost...clings to your back like a limpet, dragging you through endless movies of lives and longings....all just hocus-pocus, abracadabra, sleight of mind!
You are blinded by a gossamer mist of illusion spun by this phantom it not strange?
You, the king of kings, will stay a beggar only because you are afraid to let go of this pernicious ghost...mistakenly believing it is you! From where did this false identity arise? Where does it emerge from when you awake from your deep sleep every day?
Trace this impostor to its source...hunt the origin of this I thought.
Turn your attention inwards and see where it springs from
When you find that source , the ego will dissolve in the true Self that you always are.
All it takes is to stop. And to see.
You are already infinity.
Breathe deep into your Heart, lift up your head and be free

1 comment:

ShuPri said...

I understand it all and I LOVE IT!
Hello to you, realized spirit ;-)
We are two old souls, yet so young.
Happy exploring the universe!