Saturday, August 3, 2019

The End of All Suffering

“Liberated from the grip of egoism, like the moon after the eclipse, full, ever blissful, self-luminous, one attains one’s essence.” – Adhyatma Upanishad

Lord Buddha described enlightenment as “ the end of all suffering.”

One’s true nature is thought-free, perfect bliss, shining within you, here and now.

The mind, directed outwards, is the root of all suffering.

Arising as an ego, identifying with a body and a personality, creating the illusion of time- this is the beginning of the pain and misery of samsara. 
To remove the root of suffering, this ego-mind complex must be destroyed absolutely.
Through devotion and detachment, one breaks through the false identification with the ego; diving deep within, the mind dissolves in the sacred core of Being.

Through the blessing of Grace, the individual merges forever with the universal.
The Self is pure, unattached, unchanging, infinite effulgence -always blissful, always still and at peace.
It is the heart-centre, the eternal substratum, the thoughtless, motiveless, actionless perfection that contains all that exists.
It is the universal Brahman that shines as the core of every living being.

The jnani lives always anchored in this reality: unshakable in his incessant Self-awareness, rock-like in his peace.
Like a mighty ocean, all the power of the universe is contained in his depths.
Totally selfless, effortlessly natural, his actions are impeccable, elegant and perfect.
Even as he lives and moves as a man, he remains ever poised in a timeless, spaceless whole: the One, the imperishable Brahman.
Only such a one is a Buddha.

The end of the individual is the end of all suffering.

“ He who dies, before the body dies, lives forever.” Lao Tsu,Tao Te Ching

“Be a dead man, truly dead: then all will be well.” Zen Master Basho.

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