Monday, August 10, 2009

The Temple

The Someshwara Temple in Ulsoor, Bangalore is 1500 years old, they say.
A software professional and his wife perform a puja, while their son plays videogames on his dad's cellphone.Traditions run deep in India...and it abounds with places of worship.Temples, mosques, churches, shrines are everywhere.

My temple is my body, the cupola my head, my legs the pillars, the inner shrine - the Heart in my chest.
Once I find this Heart, this entire Universe is my temple: the vast dome of the sky, the firm earth below my feet, the worshipping trees dancing in the wind, the sacred rain and sunshine....who needs any temples of stone?
In the freedom of formless Being, infinity and eternity are contained.
Once I know this, I see that all  forms are made of this Being.
Magic is everywhere.

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