Thursday, April 22, 2010


Life is an open invitation. The universe has no locked doors, or gates- only vast ,open expanses of freedom.
Everything we see and hear and feel is an invitation to grow into who we really are. 
The open sky, the flowing river, the trees waving their welcome to the wind- all invite us to the bliss of Being.
Fire and water and earth and sky weave their dance of perfect harmony, inviting us to  feel the magic and the joy and the perfect peace of knowing that there is only ONE - and that WE are this ONE.
All barriers and differentiations are illusions that disappear like mist when the inner eye is opened.
How we laugh together as we celebrate our infinity!
 Let the music play and the dance begin, let the wine flow and  hearts sing!
Come! We who were never born and will never die, let us celebrate our infinite and eternal birthday, magically created anew with every breath.
Joined together in perfection, let us blow trumpets of silence that will shatter all the gates of thought and word and memory and set our spirits free!
Come let us celebrate this day of freedom and bless the universe with our joy and laughter.
O dearly beloved ! Come celebrate this special moment with me!

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