Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I was carried away by a magic wind to a mysterious land at the end of the Universe.
There I saw a giant tree bearing shining fruits.
I was hungry, so I plucked a fruit and ate it.
It was delicious beyond all description..pure ambrosia!
Now I am back on Earth and trying to describe the experience of tasting this fruit.
Nothing I do or say can give you a taste of that. You have to bite into its golden succulence yourself.
Experience is the only proof, the only knowing.
How can one know that which is beyond intellect, beyond language, beyond sensation or emotion?
How can mind describe the Source from which mind springs?
Can the formless, timeless, nameless ONE be captured in Space or Time?
Listen , my friend, the only way is to jump into the abyss, drown in the ocean, be consumed like a moth in that flame.
Bite deep into the Golden Fruit!
Then you can join me in my dumbness and celebrate as I do.
In total and perfect Silence.

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