Saturday, July 17, 2010

Conversations with the Mirror

How do I have to be in order for the world to be whole again?
Your mind asks this question. Drop your mind and just be.
Is that not selfish? Seeking a personal peace and bliss while the whole world goes insane?
The world's insanity is a reflection of your own insanity. Become truly sane and the world will be sane.
So I do nothing?
In any case , YOU always do nothing. You cannot even take a breath without the universe providing you air with just the right amount of oxygen. Just BE - totally and completely. All actions will flow as they are meant to flow.
I'm tired of hearing your mystic mush. You want me to just sit here doing nothing while children starve and millions of human beings suffer and the whole earth is being destroyed by greed and madness?
Whatever your body must do will be done...the perfect action will emerge effortlessly when you are centred in being. The greatest service you can ever perform for the planet and all living beings on it is to FIRST find your own true identity with the ONE that underlies everything.
Can I, just one human being, really make a difference to anything?
If you see yourself as the drop you will always remain the drop. If you let go of your "drophood" and dissolve in the ocean, you will become the ocean. Please hurry up and do this: only the ocean can get all the drops together in one mighty and perfect whole. And, more importantly, if you become the ocean you will finally stop asking me all these stupid questions!

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