Thursday, March 16, 2017

Who Are You?

“ Discover who you really are and put an end to fear.
   You are the bridge between light and darkness, heaven and earth.
    You are the creator, sustainer and destroyer of worlds beyond measure.
     You are the first-born child of emptiness and energy, zero and infinity.
      You are the eye that God has become to look upon Herself and wonder! “
                         From Lightsongs, the book.

Stop being the wave; remember you are really the ocean!
You are not this body or this mind: break free of the illusion of limitation.
You are not your name or your form or your story: dig deep into your source!
Your roots are deeper than the earth, your branches embrace all the galaxies.
You are the far-seeing eye, the eater of horizons, you dissolve boundaries and devour time and space.
You are the dreamer who is the source of all dreams, the brush that paints all pictures, the sound that is the creator of all song.
Lightyears cannot measure your dimensions, you are everything and nothing.
Like thread woven into cloth, the Divine is the subtle energy that is the source and the substance of all that is.
There is only One – and you are that One.
So is everyone and everything else, from Brahma to a blade of grass – so drop all the ego-trips.
Let go. Just be.
This is enough.
This is who you really are.

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