Friday, November 10, 2017

The Source of All Blessings

When you surrender,with total love and devotion,
The Master’s command, “Be still!”
Dissolves thought and word, body and mind, God and world,
Like the last trumpet call at the end of all things.
Here, all your stories end- everything disappears in an infinite sky of bliss.
In the heart of being, in unmoving silence,
The luminous perfection of the Self
Shines with the glory of a thousand suns.
Firmer than a mountain, vaster than space,
More liquid than water, more radiant than fire,
This is the unveiling of  the mystery of Brahman,
            The source of all potential and all power.
This is the end of  craving, the extinction of fear,
The ecstatic peace that is beyond all understanding.
Abide quietly in this stillness: this is enough.
From this, all blessings flow.

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