Monday, December 11, 2017

Your Gift

Sweet Lord!
Your radiance burns away the fog of my mind;
Now, like a fruit on a tree, I ripen slowly in the warmth of your grace.
One sip of your wine has intoxicated me forever          
as your true nature blossoms in the lotus of the Heart.
Dissolved in you, I  become timeless, infinite  space.
Freed of form, I am cleansed of all karma and sin;
The whole universe is now my home and all living creatures, my kin.
You swallowed me in your fiery embrace until I ceased to be;
I merged with you like a river running home to the sea.
This radiant Self ,unchanging and infinite, is perfect peace and bliss.
How can I begin to thank you, O gracious Lord, for such a gift as this?

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