Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Divine Instinct

“ Attention to Self is supreme devotion to God because God exists as Self.” Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi, Guru Vachaka Kovai.

Since the first man looked up in awe at the stars,
a profound instinct has existed in the human race.
This is the instinct which bids man look up,
which grants him the gift of hope and sustains him when life has darkened,
which gives him courage even when all seems lost.

As an unfathomable and ever-present yearning,
this instinct to discover the Divine has never faded from the human soul.
Since the dawn of Time,
this instinct has persisted in its belief
that the esssence of life is good and joyful and true.

If you would live anchored in unshakable peace
and die with fearless dignity,
look deep into yourself and discover
that this instinct burns ever-bright within you.

Look deeper still and you will know
that the source of this instinct
is the immortal divine Self

that is your true being.

“ Know the Self and the truth will blossom within your heart like sunshine. The mind will become untroubled and flooded with real happiness, for happiness and the true Self are identical. Once you attain this Self- awareness, you will have no more doubts or fears.” Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi to Paul Brunton, from A Search in Secret India.

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