Friday, April 24, 2020

Why Not Now?

(Lockdown Reflections.)

"Knowledge without love is lifeless. The loveless heart may have all the religion and all the knowledge, yet it is dead. As the Bible says, "God is love." God is in the heart of each person, and the heart of each person is the highest heaven. When that heart is closed by the absence of love, then God is closed. When this heart is open, God is open, and one is alive from that time.” Hazrat Inayat Khan

They say there is a dread plague sweeping over this earth.
Outside my window, clean air, sunshine, birdsong and trees alight with flowers tell me Mother Nature is alive and well; better than before.

The news screams of disease and death in a world brought to a stand-still by fear.
Disease and death have always been an integral part of the human experience. Someday,we all must die…has that ever stopped us from living while we can?

They say everyone must stay at home – stay separate from each other, in isolation.
In the hustle and bustle of the biggest cities, millions are wracked by a deep and terrible loneliness anyway. No one taught us how to be alone and not lonely, to rest in solitude with great joy.

They say everyone must wear a mask now. Was it so different before?
We have been wearing the mask of personality always, never letting down our guard so that our real selves can be seen. Rare is the one centred contentedly in being who has truly dropped all masks.

Why has this happened? No one really knows.

Perhaps this is the result of the insane greed and self-destructive way of life of this human race.
Perhaps Nature decided to stop all the frantic, and mostly unnecessary, human activity,
to force mankind to pause for awhile, to really reflect and introspect.

What is really important ?

Is there a better way to live on this earth?

Can we live happily and in harmonious coexistence with each other and all other living creatures on this planet?
Can human consciousness ever evolve into a wiser, more loving , joyous and peaceful state of being?

Every human being must explore these questions sometime.

Why not now?

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