Monday, August 1, 2022

Grace is Essential

 “Except by the Lord’s grace, which begins to function when one surrenders oneself completely at His feet with sincere devotion, truth cannot be cognised merely by the skill of the mind of the jiva. So subtle is the reality.” Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi.

Perfection just is.
Everything in this universe functions naturally, flawlessly, miraculously, beyond explanation.
Truth is beyond all words - do not let your cleverness get in the way of understanding.
Suffering is always the result of  wrong identification with a body-mind complex.
Drop the heavy baggage of this ego story, this illusion of a separate individual personality.
Only Grace can help you do this.

“Keep turning your attention within. One day, the wheel of thoughts will slow down and intuition will mysteriously arise. Follow the intuition and let your thinking stop and it will eventually lead you to the goal of unwavering and perpetual Self awareness.” Paul  Brunton

Without any purpose or intent, the sun gives light and life to the world.
In the same way,  Grace makes the lotus of the Heart blossom.
With deep devotion, surrender to the Guru unconditionally, totally.
Live your life like a leaf floating on the river- have faith! Accept what is.
Like a bee seeking nectar,  dive deep into yourself and discover the reservoir of infinite  joy and peace that is your core.
As you dissolve in this bliss, you come home at last to your true being, becoming one with the One.
Here, all doubt and fear and sorrow and pain disappear like mist before the sun.
This is where everything changes : this is where you experience the divine perfection that you truly are.
Just stay here. Abide as the Self. That's how you hold on to God.
Whatever needs to happen will happen – spontaneously, effortlessly, perfectly.
Nothing more needs to be done.

“I remain perfectly calm and fully aware of who I am and what is occurring. The self still exists but it is a changed radiant Self. Something that is far superior to my unimportant personality rises into consciousness and becomes me. I am in the midst of an ocean of blazing light. I sit in the lap of holy bliss. Divine grace descends and acts only when it is invoked by total surrender. It acts from within because God resides in the heart of all beings. Its whispers can be heard only in a mind purified by self-surrender and prayer. Rationalists laugh at it and atheists scorn it but it exists. It is a descent of God into the soul’s zone of awareness. It is visitation of a force unexpected and unpredictable. It is voice spoken out of cosmic silence. It is cosmic will which can perform authentic miracles under its own law.” Paul Brunton

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