Saturday, December 3, 2022

Coming Home

 “The root of all desires is the one desire: to come home, to be at peace. There comes a moment in life when our compensatory activities, the accumulation of money, learning and objects, leaves us feeling deeply apathetic. This can motivate us towards the search for our real nature beyond appearances. We may find ourselves asking, 'Why am I here? What is life? Who am I?' Sooner or later any intelligent person asks these questions. What you are looking for is what you already are, not what you will become. What you already are is the answer and the source of the question. In this lies its power of transformation. It is a present actual fact. Looking to become something is completely conceptual, merely an idea. The seeker will discover that he is what he seeks and that what he seeks is the source of the inquiry.”

― Jean Klein, I Am

From the very root of being, an ancient memory arises, a tantalising glimpse of pure joy and peace.

Once you have tasted the divine, you can never forget it. Nothing else will ever fully satisfy you.

So there comes a stage in every human life when the soul craves to return home.

The search begins.

For most of us, this search takes a great deal of effort and time.

We search with great diligence in all the wrong places. Often, we give up in despair.

In the darkest hour, light suddenly appears : this is how Grace dawns.

Surrender is the key.

“Who is the doer and what is done? Is the end of the quest the end of the question?
You think you are the seeker and find you are the sought.
You think you are the teacher and find you are the taught.
 Sing a song of glory and you will be the glory!” Sufi Choir

Grace guides us, intuitively, to focus all our attention inwards.

Stillness and tranquility lets us sink into the deepest core of being.

This is where we rest every night in deep sleep, without any thought or dream.

This is where we discover who we really are.

In this perfect silence, the mind dissolves in the divine like salt  in the sea.

Here the soul experiences an infinite, blissful peace that is changeless, eternal.

This is our true home.

Stay anchored in this bliss and never leave.

Whatever needs to happen will happen.

Nothing more needs to be done.

“As, in your mother’s womb, you dwelt unattached to anything else; so too, sink into the womb of the Heart and dwell in the Self alone. Where all the holy scriptures end, there tranquil Self- abidance begins!” Bhagawan Ramana Maharishi.

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