Saturday, January 7, 2023

Ramana Jayanthi

 You who wish to celebrate a birthday, inquire first who was born. One’s true birthday is when one enters into the Eternal Being which shines forever without birth or death.” Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi.

Today, at Sri Ramanasramam in Tiruvannamalai, the 143rd birthday of Sri Ramana Maharishi is being celebrated with deep love and devotion. 

“The Maharshi was an idol of peace and silence. The ocean’s surface dances in waves, laughs in sparkling foam, roars as its thunderous waves clap and clash! And yet deep in its inner vaults it rests in eternal silence and peace. Without such a divine and spiritual depth, the work and activities of this universe would become worthless and aimless. Work should be undertaken and pursued to take us ultimately to the workless abode of Divine Silence and endless Peace. This is the secret doctrine of all our Vedas and ancient scriptures.” Swami Tapovanam, on Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi

This is how Suddhananda Bharati, the philosopher-poet-saint describes his first glimpse of Bhagavan: “I saw no human form. I felt dazed, effulgence enveloped me and Bhagavan dissolved me into silence. Bhagavan implanted grace in me and my eyes involuntarily closed themselves. I felt I was entering into the inner cave of my Heart. An hour passed like a moment and when I opened my eyes, I noticed that Bhagavan Ramana’s lotus eyes were riveted on me. A voice from within said, “Now, you have felt it. The cave is open. The “I AM” is the truth.” After many years of intense sadhana, now, here at the holy feet of Ramana Maharshi, I experienced for the first time, the truth as my own inner reality, and caught hold of his holy feet and shed tears of joy remembering the sacred words of the saint Manickavachagar: “Today, you have risen in my Heart as a sun destroying all forms of darkness. I am swimming in ecstasy.”

O gracious Bhagavan, lord of hearts, you who were never born and will never die, indulge your children who cannot refrain from expressing their love and gratitude and joy.

You deigned to incarnate in human form and bless the whole world with your Light. At the tender age of sixteen, you attained Brahman. For fifty-five years you dwelt in the bosom of your beloved Arunachala mountain so that millions could experience the divine in human form.  Now, more than seven decades after you dropped that form, human beings from every corner of planet earth keep visiting your shrine, where Grace blazes forth unceasingly.

O gentle and compassionate Lord, so many thousands of souls have taken shelter at your feet and found peace and joy beyond all description!

No words can begin to thank you or describe your infinite glory.

Om namo bhagavathe Sri Ramanaya! Om namo bhagavathe Sri Ramanaya!

Jai Bhagavan! Jai Bhagavan! Jai Bhagavan! Pray, shine forever in my Heart!

“Abandon the drama of the world and seek the Self within. Stay within and I will protect you, ensuring that no harm befalls you. Seek my grace within the Heart. I will drive away the darkness and show you the light. This is my responsibility. Like the children of an emperor, my devotees are heirs to abundant rejoicing.!” Sri Ramana Maharishi, Padmalai.

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