Monday, April 24, 2023


 “It is tremendously exhilarating to learn for the first time, the truth of the one Self and the possibility of Self realization. At last, life has a meaning and a purpose. It is not a question of whether there is a God apart from you but whether there is a “you” apart from God!” Arthur Osborne, devotee of Sri Ramana Maharishi.

In the twilight of my life, I catch a glimpse of truth.

Humbled and made wiser by the seeming passage of time, I begin to understand what it all means.

I learn that I have never been in control of anything that happens. I accept my helplessness and the hidden presence of a higher power. I surrender completely and beg only for Grace, for blessing, for guidance.

As I let go of my story, my imagined reality crumbles like a sandcastle before the tide.

The elaborate edifice that I believed was me disappears like salt in the sea.

From the depths of my own being, Light emerges.

At last, I see who I truly am.

“The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and Earth.
The named is the mother of the ten thousand things.
Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
Ever desiring, one sees the manifestations.
These two spring from the same source but differ in name; this appears as darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gate to all mystery.”      Lao Tzu , Tao Te Ching

Hiding in plain sight, the Lord of the Universe is in the wind and the rain and the dust; He is the source and the substance of all that exists.

Even though He is closer to us than our heartbeat, we do not see Him or know Him .

Invisible and silent, yet infinite and all-powerful, He creates, sustains and dissolves all things in the ripeness of season.

Effortlessly miraculous, He maintains the perfection of Nature and the harmony of all that exists, without fanfare or fuss.

We take this magic for granted and complain endlessly about all that is not right with our petty world and its affairs.

Its not our fault: we are under the spell of His Maya.We are the characters in His dream, the actors in His play.He is the author of the script, the director, the actors, the props, the stage and the audience.

Its very complex, yet very simple : nothing but Him exists!

When you wake up, it is He who wakes up. So ends one story….and the next one begins.

All the worlds, all the plays and all the actors are but froth on the ocean that is Him.

Would you rather be a brief bubble in the froth or the infinite, eternal ocean itself?

You choose. 

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