Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Secret Brother

He was with me in the womb, my secret brother, curled up like a Siamese twin beside my embryonic form. When I was born, he was inside me like a second heart, beating to his own unique rhythm, infinitely unfathomable.
As a child, he visited me in daydreams and, sometimes, at night. His face was my face…a twin within. He was my hidden confidant, witness to every tiny facet of my life.
All my life he has lived within my skin and whispered to my soul. For a long time, as a young man, I ignored him...now I have learnt to pay him heed.
He is my brother, Death.
One final day, driven by suffering deeper than fear, I looked into his eyes and fell like a stone into the abyss of his gaze. In that eternal emptiness, I lost name and form, mind and speech, thought and memory and dream...all dissolved like mist in that silent stillness.
A vast and perfect peace was all that remained....as my brother and I embraced and were one.
Unless I embrace death, I can never know Life fully...never experience the awe and the wonder and the magic of it all.
Now my brother sits always upon my left shoulder and whispers in my ear...wordlessly, he tells me his stories; voiceless, he sings me his songs.
He gives me the gift of infinity and eternity - right here and right now!

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