Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Song of Infinity

We have all taken birth to re-discover our own true nature.
Why is this important?
Perhaps because it leads to the cessation of suffering. To true and permanent fulfillment.
To joy beyond measure and that peace that surpasses all understanding.

Why have we allowed this tickertape of thought to clatter non-stop and block all our deeper senses? Why have we reduced our experience to this flat, tasteless realm, denying ourselves the richness, the depth, the supreme perfection that is our birthright and our very being?

If you can dive deep into your own mind, deeper than thought or feeling or words, you will find the root of all creation: the source of frequencies that give birth to the vibrations that create everything. In the beginning was the Word. OMMMM
If you reach that silent space behind the mind..if you can listen with heart and gut and will hear the elemental chorus...the song of the Universe.
Ahhh...once you hear the music of earth and air, water and fire, their perfect harmony...your intoxication will be total, every cell in your body becomes a words can begin to describe this.
Fortunately, enough human beings down the generations have experienced this music of the spheres, Nature's original song...and borne witness to its splendour.
From this source, all creation - and all music - is born.
"Listen, and feel the beauty of your separation, the unsayable absence. There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to be companions with it. Give more of your life to this listening. As brightness is to time, so you are to the one who talks to the deep ear in your chest. I should sell my tongue and buy a thousand ears when that one steps near and begins to speak." Rumi

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