Thursday, March 12, 2009


Listen, my friend, this is not difficult to understand.
All of us are born, live, feel joy or pain, grow old and die.
From nothing, we emerge, play our brief roles and return to nothing.This is the fact of our lives.
Life without meaning is not is just an endless, fearful struggle.
To find true meaning, you must turn within the answer to
" Who am I? " and " What's it all about?"
Seeking with all your being, you find your true Self..and all the questions dissolve forever.
Time is a mental construct : the only reality is the Now.
The greatest gifts lie in the heart and the belly, not the head.
Surrender is the source of peace. Stillness is divine.
Once the inner eye is opened, your blindness drops from your eyes...and all that you see is sacred.
Then you truly live!.
Awake, alert, aware, joyous, one with all there is.
And you finally understand : there is only Love.

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