Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Zombie

There are two states any human being can be in: awakened human or zombie.
We are born in the first state. By the time we are two years old, the second state begins to creep over us. Before we know it, we are trapped in the state of the zombie.
A zombie is a dead person who walks and talks and moves.
As long as we are trapped by the ego-mind complex, this is how we all are...dead people, somehow stumbling through life, seeming to walk and talk and act, but not truly experiencing real life....except for some brief, rare moments when ..through shock or intensity..we briefly escape our zombie shell.
We all know at least a few such moments : Aha! moments filled with awe and wonder and totality and raw, magical Being.
I've been a zombie for close to 50 years ...apart from a few magical moments of freedom. So I understand very well how dangerous and all-pervading this state can be.
Do you find life depressing, difficult, boring, painful? Do you wish you were dead sometimes? Do you make your way by habit through day after boring day? Do you ensure your mind is constantly numbed by words or talk or sound or Television or crowds? Are you mostly dwelling on the past or worrying/fantasising about the future? Do you go through your whole day without ever stopping to truly see or feel or experience anything?
These are some of the symptoms of being a zombie.
The greatest tragedy is the loss of your most precious treasure: your humanity and the priceless moments of your human life.
There is only one way to break the iron shell of the zombie state: to free yourself from the tyranny of your ego-mind complex.
Which is a bit like cutting off your head.
All it takes is tearing up your story, ending your movie, shifting your attention from head to heart or solar-plexus.
Being here and now...experiencing the world directly, not through the filter of the mind.
Once you can do this all the time, you have escaped from the zombie state.
You are awake at last...aware, alive, free!
Once you can be this, all you experience is magic!

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