Tuesday, October 12, 2010

No Excuses

I have no excuses left.
Nowhere left to pass the buck, no one left to blame.
Experiential knowing is total and ruthless- a sword that cuts off my head!
But still, like a phantom limb that seems to hurt or itch even after it has been amputated, my head re-appears, tries its best to bring my story back to life.
Sounds familiar?
You know.
Beyond doubt.
You let go of moth-hood and became the flame.
Not once, but a million times. Over a million lifetimes.
Why bother with moth thoughts and feelings and dreams and desires anymore?
Is it so hard to let go and drop the garbage of the aeons that you have been carrying on your head?
Like me - you have run out of excuses.
Throw away that phantom head.  Dive without hesitation into the abyss!
Be the One and be free!

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