Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Longest Journey

The longest journey is from the head to the heart.
The head is chaos and confusion: the heart is love and joy and peace.
When the mind seeks its source, it will find the Divine.
Wisdom is turning within: seeking the source of Being in the depths of oneself.
Who am I? Where does this “I” arise?
Here in this very lifetime is the secret path to perfection: the end of all suffering.
The perfect silence is deep sleep, where everything disappears.
Where does the “I” rest in the nothingness of deep sleep?
Still the mind. Dive deep into the silence.
Invert the focus of your attention. Perceive the perceiver.
Discover who you really are, in the lotus of the Heart.
Know the bliss of waking sleep, the living emptiness, the fecund void.
Be the boundless space that holds all in its gentle embrace: the Self in the Heart.
This is your true nature: eternal and infinite being-consciousness-bliss.
Return to it and find true and lasting peace.
Right here, right now.
Just Be

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