Thursday, May 11, 2017

One Syllable

“One Syllable shines forever in the Heart as Self; who can write it down? “ Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi

Luminous perfection at the heart of all beings,
conscious energy pervading all that exists,
O Brahman, who can describe your infinite radiance, your intoxicating beauty and irresistible power?
You who are the source and the substance of everything,
Who are ever- shining peace and truth and bliss,
Can anything in all the worlds exist without your grace?
Attaining whom all is attained,
 becoming whom all is illuminated,
how can I dare to attempt to speak of your mystery?
Your very presence creates, sustains and destroys all worlds and creatures,
And yet you have no motive or intent, no action or thought,
Just shine in the unchanging, eternal, perfection of your being.
You who humbled all the Gods and dissolved all the illusions of knowledge,
Who are beyond all knowing, all description, all concepts,
How can any human tongue even try to sing your praise?
Can the reflection of the moon in a pail of water claim the splendour of the moon?
Can the ray of sunlight be the mighty sun?
Can the foam on the surface of the ocean know its vast depths?
O Lord of Love,
I fell deep into your bliss and disappeared – no more I.
The flame of Jnana consumed all the worlds - and me.
All that is
Is Thee.

“At last, life has a meaning and a purpose. It is tremendously exhilarating to realize the truth of the one Self.” Arthur Osborne, devotee of Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi

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