Friday, January 12, 2018

Go For It!

“Being born as a human being is a precious gift, since it is possible for every human being to experience the divine Self. If you waste your life on pursuit of external fulfilment alone, you are throwing away the pearl beyond all price. This is the real suicide.” Shankaracharya

"You know you can be free and now it is up to you. Either you remain forever hungry and thirsty, longing, searching, grabbing, holding, ever losing and sorrowing or you go out wholeheartedly in search of that state of timeless perfection to which nothing can be added, from which nothing can be taken away. In it all desires and fears are absent, not because they have been given up, but because they have lost their very meaning." Nisargedatta Maharaj

Who is the life within you?
Every minute, breath flows in and out, keeping you alive.
Whether awake or asleep, without conscious intent or volition, this breathing  goes on.
Who is the in-dweller, deep in your chest, who breathes incessantly, without fail?

Focus all your attention inwards, on the source of your sense of life, of your very existence.
Deep within, where  the mind retires in sleep, something stirs: something effulgent, something divine.
Here in this vast and perfect space of consciousness,
There is no body, no mind, no person, no world, no God:
In this sweet Silence where the Guru shines in the heart, Being is all there is.
This is the Self.
Peace is the very nature of the Self.
Peace is where you discover Vedanta, that which lies beyond the mind, the end of all knowing.

Give yourself wholeheartedly to this inner exploration, this return  to the source, to the Self.
This is the metamorphosis, the transformation that frees you of all suffering and misery forever.
This is the gift of Grace, immortal peace and infinite bliss.
This is your birth-right, your inheritance, your greatest treasure, the crowning glory that makes being human worthwhile!

Go for it!

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