Sunday, March 4, 2018

There is only Light

“What is Gayatri? It really means ‘Let me concentrate on That which illumines all’.” Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi

To speak, and to write, is to assert who we are, what we think. The necessary other side is to surrender these things — to stand humbled and stunned and silent before the wild and inexplicable beauties and mysteries of being.” Jane Hirshfield

Who am I? What is my real nature? Where is my source? 

I set off in search of myself into the bowels of solitude,
Discovering secret, silent, realms even in the midst of the madding crowds,
Gravitating like a lost planet to that still centre of the galaxy,
Sinking like a stone into the bottomless deep of me.

In that infinite and perfect Silence, I let go of everything:
I let go my story, my past, my dreams and fears and desires;
I let go my worries, my joys, my pleasures and pains.
I dropped all my masks, my costumes, my conditioning, my projections.
I let go of I.

At last,  naked before the innermost flame:
Now, stripped of all veils, only the essence remains.

There is only Light!

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