Monday, May 7, 2018

Om Mani Padme Hum

“Empty yourself of everything. Let the mind rest at peace.
The ten thousand things rise and fall and then return to the source.
Returning to the source is stillness, which is the way of Nature.”
From Tao Te Ching of Lao Tse.

You took this human form to discover your true Self,
To end the suffering of a thousand lifetimes,
To find the jewel in the lotus of your soul.

Be quiet.
Sink deep into yourself.
Let the mind dissolve in stillness in the depths of being.

This is the kingdom of waking sleep.
This is the land beyond thought and feeling, beyond time and space.
This is the unchanging heart of non-duality, the ONE.

Imagine a billion universes contained in a grain of sand.
Utterly empty, but absolutely full, the centre is nowhere and everywhere.
It is the source and the substance of everything: nothing else really exists.

Call it God or Brahman or Tao, it is that shining, eternal perfection beyond all name and form.
Beyond space and time, it is infinite love, impeccable stillness, unshakable peace.
It is the ocean of endless bliss that dissolves everything.
The secret of secrets:  THAT is who you really are.
You cannot know it - you can only BE it.

This perennial treasure is always inside you, at your very core, a pearl beyond all price.
To find it, you must be willing to empty yourself of everything, to die before you die.
You must let go of who you think you are and enter the darkness within the darkness.
You must pass through the gateless gate, drop the known and the unknown and leap into the abyss of the unknowable.

While breath remains in your body, find this treasure!

This is enough.

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