Sunday, April 22, 2018

Death is the Doorway

“It's not how much profound knowledge we know intellectually. It's how much we don't know. We have to transcend the mind that wants to be worthy and profound. We have to go beyond that to wake up. As long as your mind is filled with beautiful poetry and beautiful quotations and profound knowledge you can never become free. The idea is to give it all up. Then in your freedom you know all these things but there is nothing to say. “
Robert Adams, devotee of Sri Ramana Maharishi.

When the pain of samsara became unbearable, I wept and prayed,
I threw myself at the feet of the Lord in my heart and begged for grace.
I surrendered body and mind and spirit and sought rest and refuge.

The silence spoke:

“Stop trying to think, to figure things out, to preach or teach.
Drop all your piety, your saintliness, your spiritual ego-trip.
Truth is beyond the mind, beyond all concepts, all language.
Be still. Be quiet. Just BE! "

There is only one doorway to immortality, to freedom, to infinite, eternal peace.
If I would attain the Self, I must lay my neck on the altar of renunciation and let the sword of Brahman chop off my head!

Like river merging in ocean, I must merge in Him.
I must drop all emotional and intellectual activity.

I must die – before the body dies.
There is no other way.

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