Friday, November 2, 2018

Return to the Source

“The Source is a point without any dimensions. It expands as the cosmos on the one hand and as Infinite bliss on the other. That point is the pivot. From it a single vasana starts and expands as the experiencer (‘I’), the experience and the experienced (the world).”
Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi speaking of the Heart, Gems from Bhagawan.

(Pic of Black Hole, courtesy NASA)

Astrophysicists tell us that this vast, ever-expanding Universe began at a single point, a singularity of infinite mass and zero dimensions.
The sage reveals an even more astounding truth: this singularity is the innermost core of every living being!
This is the Source, the Heart, the wondrous treasure we all own.

When the attention turns outwards, worlds without end are created in psychic, physical and temporal dimensions.
When the attention is focused inwards, one’s entire existence is compressed to a single point of pure Being. Like the black hole that is the core of the universe, the inexorable gravity of Divine Grace sucks you in, dissolves you, turns your existence inside out into an infinite expansion of blissful peace.

No more bubbles, waves, froth: only still, oceanic depths.

No more deaths and births.
No more time and space, no more duality, no more you: only the immortal Self, the radiant sahaja state of the jivan- mukta.

No more universe: only loving perfection shining like a thousand suns.

Return to this Source.

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