Friday, November 16, 2018

Searching for the Beloved

“Self-enquiry is really possible only through intense introversion of the mind. What is finally realised as a result of such enquiry into the source of aham vritti,
is verily the Heart as the undifferentiated light of Pure Consciousness, into which the reflected light of the mind is completely absorbed.”

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi, Maharishi’s Gospel

In a waking dream, I fell into an abyss of profound and magical beauty, so perfect and so breath-taking as to be inconceivable by the human mind.
It was as if I drowned in an ocean of incandescent, ecstatic bliss.
Alas! My moment of ripeness was not yet upon me and so I was hurled forth, like a shell spat out by a whirlpool, back into samsara.

Now I wander the worlds, like a lover endlessly seeking for his Beloved, like an addict desperately searching for his drug; my life is nothing but a constant search within myself for the way back to that ocean.

I am not as other men, struggling to acquire the treasures of this world.
I am a fool for Love, weeping a river of tears, crying out for my Beloved:
I am driven by the haunting memory, the sweet, intoxicating echo, the unforgettable, lingering fragrance of the Divine.

Thus do I bow before the Absolute in beseeching prayer,
in abject humility,
in total and unconditional surrender.

“Even the blackest of crows,
when it alights upon beautiful golden Mount Meru,
is transformed into the form of pure gold. 

In just the same way, even those jivas 
who are entirely without distinction will, 
upon joining the presence of one’s own reality, Divine Consciousness,
attain, by its glorious majesty, the sublime form of the Self and shine. “

 Ramana Puranam.

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