Saturday, January 8, 2022

Growing Into The Light

 (dedicated to Mihir and Tarini, my greatest inspiration and joy, truly the light of my life!)

"Freedom is so much deeper, more substantial, and more precious than we are led to believe.Resistance is what gives us vitality and sovereignty, enabling us to stay numinous and nourished, even when there is skepticism, despair and destitution around us.The idea is to resist in order to grow, breaking through barriers of dogma like a stray plant breaking through hard concrete, and to keep growing and growing and occasionally blooming.”  From Despite Dogma: Roots of Resistance | by Tarini Dhar Prabhu | Dec, 2021 | Medium

Break out of the mind matrix: be your own truth.

You were born to break free, to cast off the shadows and shine!

Resist the lies, the layers of deceit, the masks.

Do not give in to “this is how it's always been” and “ this is all there is.”

The majority view, the accepted view, the brainwashing – these are the blinders that keep you imprisoned in ignorance, in the slavery of conformity and  hopeless belief in the status quo.

This is what traps you in the false, a surface illusion that hides the truth of Being, the very essence of existence.

True clarity comes only from the deepest part of you:  your gut, your heart, your soul.

“I work with children. I see their bright and sparkling eyes shine up at me. I see the love and joy and hope and resilience in those who have suffered so much so young. It leads me to believe that the kingdom of heaven must be created here on earth. That the divine warrior lies within each and every one of us.  How do we access this tremendous power and creativity inside us? More importantly, how do we change the world?"  Mihir Dhar Prabhu, Changing the World – Truthforce (

The greatest treasure in your life is your own innermost truth – find it!

It will be your inspiration, your infallible guide, your light and your strength.

It is the perennial source of infinite wisdom, transcendent joy and unshakable peace.

It is the divine life-force that you were born with, your very own piece of God.

No one can give this to you; you have to dive deep and seize it for yourself.

Then you will discover who you truly are and see clearly, at last.

Here you will find your perfect stance, effortless balance and fluid harmony.

Flowing from this center, all your actions will be natural and right.

From this root, your highest self will emerge.

Like a great tree rising from a single tender shoot, you will grow gladly into the Light.

"The whole idea of life is to live freely; to look through space freely, having nothing to hide or conceal; allowing the light of truth to shine from within and the light of the sun without; light all around, no shadow of any kind hindering the light which is the soul of every being.” Hazrat Inayat Khan

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