Saturday, March 26, 2022

For Whomsoever The Bell Tolls

 “Is it not because one forgets one’s truth, the light of consciousness, that one gets caught in the net of  Maya, from which one does not know how to escape? The power of Maya is that it causes the jiva to do over and over again that which it already has done.” Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi.

It is said that those who do not learn from history are doomed  to repeat it.

On your TV screen, missiles fly and buildings fall, war is smoke and fire, suffering and death.

It’s happening somewhere far away, it’s not really affecting you.

You read about unjust imprisonment, torture and rape and genocide…death again in a hundred different ways.

It’s happening to someone else, someone far away, nothing like that is happening to you.

Human greed multiplies like cancer, icebergs melt and forests burn, 200 living species disappear every day:

Your daily life seems mostly normal, it seems a long way from affecting you.

Until, one day, Armageddon explodes, the earth, air and water are poisoned, all the sparrows are gone;

Finally, you are forced to wake up and see-

Everyone is a part of you, everything touches you.

The whole universe is your own body: 

for whomsoever the bell tolls, it tolls for thee!

Despite all our vaunted scientific advances, our powerful technology, our superior intelligence, the same story happens over and over again.

Can human nature ever change? What is to be done?

The only magic wand is the evolution of human consciousness.

This evolution begins with you.

If you would save yourself, save your race and save this planet, do not waste another day in unconscious living.

Wake up! Break out of the matrix!

Discover your true nature and rest in that pure awareness: this is the best thing you can do.

All else will follow naturally, in just the right way, at just the right time.

“Everything is connected to everything else.
Everything must go somewhere.
Nature knows best. 
There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” Barry Commoner, the Four Laws of Ecology.

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