Friday, March 11, 2022

The Power Within

 “Heart, the Source, is the beginning, the middle, and the end of all. Heart, the supreme space, is never a  form, It is the light of truth.The death of the mind drowned in the ocean of Self-consciousness is the eternal silence. The real ‘I’ is the supreme Heart-space which is the great ocean of bliss.” Sri Ramana Maharishi, Guru Vachaka Kovai

It seems to get harder and harder to feel hopeful about the future.

Disease, climate change, disasters, war …..where will it all end?

In a world going mad with uncertainty and fear, what anchor can give you strength?

Is there, somewhere, a haven of peace and joy where  you can take refuge? 

Take heart! be of good cheer : succour is close at hand.

In the center of your chest, a mysterious power blooms like a lotus flower.

It is the greatest gift you have ever received, your birthright as a human being, your very self.

It is the seat of awareness at the very core of your being, a divine fire, a perennial spring of existence-consciousness-bliss.

It is the source of infinite strength and hope and courage, a reservoir of blissful peace.

It is the fount of miracles, the giver of all blessings.

It is where you arise from and subside into, your origin and your place of rest.

Every night, in deep, dreamless sleep, your soul recharges its batteries here.

Learn how to locate it, how to connect to it consciously at all times.

Stillness and silence are the gateways to its miraculous grace.

The sages have called it the Self, the Tao, the Center, the Atman, the Heart, the Source.

They have marvelled at its power and beauty, at its infinite mystery and indescribable bliss.

It is smaller than the smallest, yet greater than the greatest, effortlessly containing and sustaining all the universes.

This wondrous divine perfection is your very being, your own true nature.

Some may call it God or Brahman.

Only know it in yourself and you will see it everywhere.

“Ah! how desirous I was to see the divine Beloved! It is not the fault of the Beloved that you do not see;He is right before you! It is the fault of you who recognize Him not. Everything, whatever you see, is nothing else but the Presence of God!” Hazrat Inayat Khan.

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