Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Seeking

Embodied, you play so many games, it's hard to keep track of you.
Where will I find you?
Emptiness looking for itself in a mirror, what can it see?
Nothing dances into everything, while still remaining nothing...what a mystery!
The formless Lord of the Universe floats like foam on the ocean of form. Yet the same vast ocean is just a speck on the tip of Her perfect nose!
Sometimes, you are Shiva and sometimes Shakti and sometimes neither or both- stop confusing me!
Isn't it enough that I passed through a trillion wombs in this quest?
I have turned inside out and upside down, changed names and shapes with ceaseless aplomb, become fire and smoke and water and wind inside the hollow earth of you.
Clothed in your magnificent new clothes, this tapestry of space and time, O Emperor ...only the clear, innocent eyes of a child see your nakedness.
Eye Spy!
Enough is enough...this game is over.
It's your turn to seek ! :)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Wedding

There is a drum beating in my heart, conch shells blowing in my veins, an invisible flute pouring liquid notes into the roof of my skull.
The sleeping Goddess awakens and dances in waves of cold fire up my spine, seeking her Lord.
The Music-maker plays hide and seek amidst the million-petalled lotuses of light, awaiting his bride.
How lucky I am to have been invited to this wedding feast!
The elephant-headed son welcomes me at the doorway with a fountain of blue radiance.
They meet, Lord and Lady, and merge in the Fire-flower that blossoms at the top of my head.
Ahhhh! how their love-making turns this clay into Paradise!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

O Priest!

You learnt all the sanskrit verses by heart. You mastered the most complex of asanas and pranayamas, yamas and niyamas, mantras and yantras and tantras.
You perform all the ancient rituals flawlessly.
You worship the stones with milk and camphor, fire and flowers. The sacred thread of seven strands across your chest is your badge of privilege and wisdom.
Tell me...O revered priest...
Do you rest silent in the Heart?
Do you see the divinity in beggar and rich man equally?
Do you feel the Light pervading all things, the kernel of true wisdom in all faiths?
Can you look upon dog and pig and untouchable with love and compassion?
Can you be humble, one with the dust?
Can you truly see Brahman in all living forms?
Tell me, O Priest...have the ears in your heart heard His song?

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Source

Water from a deep mountain spring is clear and sweet and good.
Water from a dirty drain is filthy and poisoned .
Its purity depends upon its source.

Life is a continuous stream of thoughts, feelings and actions.
By themselves, these are neither good nor bad. What matters is : are they effective, are they useful, do they improve the quality of your existence?
This depends on where they come from, the source.
If they come from unconsciousnes, from the layers of unawareness, they are polluted and ineffective..all they do is create additional negativity.
If they come from conscious awareness, they will be effortlessly elegant , positive, creative and beneficial to you and all around you.
Seek the right source: then all your actions will be spontaneously  perfect always.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Writing on water

I wrote a lovesong on the floated far away, became the water, became the world.
Writing on water is only possible when I become water.
Can words lead beyond words? Can thoughts lead beyond mind?
Change your eyes and ears and heart.
See the invisible, hear the silent, feel the ineffable, know the unknowable.
Drink the wine of paradox and feel the intoxication of love beyond measure.
Like a hungry babe, I sucked on the breast of Tao and turned into Tao.
Now everything is inside out and upside down! Like a drunken vagabond , I roam the far corners of the universe, singing lovesongs without words.
This body moves and acts, this mind creates strange, ever-changing worlds...but the still center never moves, anchored forever in perfection.
From this center, wherever I look,
all I see is love.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Fire in The Stone

In the heart of the stone, a secret fire lies entrapped.
Deep in my self, in the marrow of my bones, in the atoms of my cells, a long-sleeping memory awakes. A memory of light and freedom and ecstasy...the sweet taste of my true home.

A lifetime ago, a tiny spark of infinity was drawn into a seed created by the union of sperm and egg. It gave freely of its life-energy and its secret wisdom, so that the single cell it inhabited could multiply and be transformed into a complex human fetus. Thus the divine was made flesh...and cloaked by the physical, mental and emotional layers of a human being.
Born screaming and bloody into the world, I took my first breath...and breath kept me connected to infinity all these many years.
Lifespark within, fanned by breath , keeps this inert corpse alive. When the karma encoded in my DNA is exhausted, the spark will finally escape and return to its true home. This is death. Even those who loved this person in life will make haste to burn the cold, clammy corpse ...once the light of infinity departs, all that is left is clay.

I forgot my original face. Lost in the smoky fog of human nature, I fell into maya's dream-net.Layer by layer, the veils of forgetfulness formed around me.
I grew four bodies , each increasingly dense, each adding another barrier to remembering my true nature. And , with the final layer of the ego-mind complex, I was totally encased , like a fossil in amber, in the hard, impenetrable shell of name and form.
Suffering drove me to escape.
Tapasya, the intense heat of friction between the embedded true nature and the layers of form, shatters the stone.
Guided by intent, breath shifts into the subtle, gossamer channel that is the core of the spinal cord. Breath within breath burns karma away, decodes the DNA. Death before the body dies is the key.
Coming home is remembering my original face..and my true nature.
Ah! The joy of awakening into awareness! The kingdom is restored, the usurper, mind, dethroned and the rightful monarch, spirit, sits firmly on the throne. The cycle is complete...the flesh is made divine.
Now matter is radiant with spirit - everyday reality reveals the Light within all things.
Form and formless are one. Nothing is everything. Infinity and eternity dance in harmony.
All is magic. All is well.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Forgiveness is a much-misunderstood term. It is not just about pardoning someone or something for some perceived hurt or sin.
Why is forgiving others so much easier than forgiving oneself?
Perhaps it is because the false self foisted upon you by the years of growing up is filled with negativity, with fear , guilt, despair, regret.
Become aware that this self you find so hard to forgive is only a phantom, an unreal bundle of tortured memories that you keep alive by identification.
True forgiveness implies , at the deepest level of being, feeling one with that which is forgiven. When you finally understand that you are truly one with all there is, who is there to forgive or be forgiven?
Forgiveness is the fragrance of discovering who you really are.
The ecstatic scent of total surrender.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Why does the little child touch one's heart ?
Because he or she is still innocent.
Innocence is divine because it has not yet been trapped by ego. The God-spark is still not covered in layers of armour.
Soon, the world will cloak this divine radiance with the mask of the persona.
The original innocence will be buried deep under layers and layers of false selves. The child will grow into the wary adult - bruised , battered and carefully camouflaged.
Is it possible to return to this innocence? To shed all the masks, to be naked and pure and radiant again?
The eyes of Ramana Maharishi speak for themselves.
How wonderful...and the innocence that is found again! Blissful, tranquil and perfect, anchored in the Self forever!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


There are many scientists around the world working on retarding the aging process. With advances in genetics, molecular biology, stem cells, cloning, they want to try and extend the average human life-span to 150 or 200 years.
How boring! It's like extending the prison-sentence. Obviously, you will never want to escape from prison, unless you first realise you are imprisoned!
A dispassionate observation of the human race over the last 1000 years would lead to the conclusion ,by any unbiased observer , that this species is undoubtedly insane!
Which other species tortures, kills, maims and imprisons vast numbers of its fellow-creatures, and destroys its own habitat with reckless abandon?
Instead of battling to extend the lifespan of the human body, would it not be better to first cure the illness of the human mind?
An obsessive fear of death is merely extending the grip of the servant ( mind) over the master ( spirit).
Young Prince Siddhartha sought the answer to the riddle of human birth, suffering, old age and death...when his mind finally gave up and stopped altogether, he found his true nature and became Buddha.
Evolution demands a change of consciousness, not an extension of bodily existence.
Dear scientists , please first find a cure to man's incredible blindness, unconsciousness and unawareness, his inhumanity to his fellow-men and fellow-creatures, and total disregard for the well-being of the planet he lives on.

The illusion of separateness is the root of all this.

Extending the lifespan of the individual, without adressing this key illusion, will only make things a lot worse!
Understand the true nature of time, so you will not be obsessed by it. When you can find eternity in every moment, your attitude will no doubt be different.
Understand how the mind has become a runaway monster gone berserk.
Wake up! Escape the dream! Break out of the cage!
And, dont try to play God until you learn how to BE God.