Sunday, June 1, 2008


There are many scientists around the world working on retarding the aging process. With advances in genetics, molecular biology, stem cells, cloning, they want to try and extend the average human life-span to 150 or 200 years.
How boring! It's like extending the prison-sentence. Obviously, you will never want to escape from prison, unless you first realise you are imprisoned!
A dispassionate observation of the human race over the last 1000 years would lead to the conclusion ,by any unbiased observer , that this species is undoubtedly insane!
Which other species tortures, kills, maims and imprisons vast numbers of its fellow-creatures, and destroys its own habitat with reckless abandon?
Instead of battling to extend the lifespan of the human body, would it not be better to first cure the illness of the human mind?
An obsessive fear of death is merely extending the grip of the servant ( mind) over the master ( spirit).
Young Prince Siddhartha sought the answer to the riddle of human birth, suffering, old age and death...when his mind finally gave up and stopped altogether, he found his true nature and became Buddha.
Evolution demands a change of consciousness, not an extension of bodily existence.
Dear scientists , please first find a cure to man's incredible blindness, unconsciousness and unawareness, his inhumanity to his fellow-men and fellow-creatures, and total disregard for the well-being of the planet he lives on.

The illusion of separateness is the root of all this.

Extending the lifespan of the individual, without adressing this key illusion, will only make things a lot worse!
Understand the true nature of time, so you will not be obsessed by it. When you can find eternity in every moment, your attitude will no doubt be different.
Understand how the mind has become a runaway monster gone berserk.
Wake up! Escape the dream! Break out of the cage!
And, dont try to play God until you learn how to BE God.

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