Friday, January 17, 2020

Sacred Silence

“We take a handful of sand from the endless landscape of awareness around us and call that handful of sand the world.”
― Robert M. Pirsig

Every human being creates his or her own universe.
The experience of reality is the result of a narrow, limited spectrum of signals received through the senses, interpreted by each individual brain using the filter of its own internal database.
So what you see is a reflection of what you are : your own heaven or hell.

You are that which you identify with.
Every human being has a choice : to identify with an illusory and temporary body-mind complex or with the infinite, eternal, radiant and blissful consciousness that underlies everything.
The latter choice is only possible for the one who dwells in the still, thought-free state called turiya or the state of waking sleep.

All atttempts at meditation and mind-control are attempts at achieving this state.
It is impossible to control the mind with the mind.

Atma vichara or self-inquiry is the most direct route to turiya.
Seek the source of the mind, the source of the “I” thought that is the root of all thought.
With faith and dogged persistence, turn the attention inwards and dive deep into yourself, seeking this source.

If you faithfully persist in this pursuit, one day your effort ends and Grace takes over.
Something reaches up and embraces you, something compassionate and divine.

Surrender totally to this power - let yourself rest in that radiant bliss.
Like the drop returning to the ocean, the mind dissolves in the Self.

Only the sacred silence remains .

“ The radiance of consciousness-bliss in the form of one awareness shining equally within and without is the supreme, primal reality whose form is silence. This is declared by jnanis to be the ultimate and incontrovertible state of true knowledge.” Padamalai,Teachings of Ramana Maharishi recorded by Muruganar.

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